6 years ago
#798 Quote
Good evening, I will change my single SU H4 carburetor for two SU H4 carburetors. I have the 1892cc engine with just one carburetor. I will install double carburetors. If anybody knows a producer for this kind of a manifold, I would be very glad to receive the address. Maybe it´s possible to use a manifold form an another car like MGA, Triumph over any else. The distance from the middle of the hole to the middle of the whole to the intake studs at the engine is 20,5cm. [url:2uoqzw4n]https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=1528909770512953&set=a.206857592718184.47312.100001818337158&type=3&theater[/url:2uoqzw4n] Posted by Dracs 12/08/2017 18:25:36